It's time for Round Two, the heavyweight bout of the hiring process - the 2nd interview! This is your golden opportunity to show you're the undisputed champion they've been searching for. Preparation and research aren't the only options, they're necessary tools to tip the scales in your favor. But don't worry, I'm in your corner and here to help! Let's delve into a three-point strategy for success in your second-round interview. I'll give quick points on navigating the networking waters with LinkedIn, wielding the power of social media and industry insiders, and finally, ensure you maintain the upper hand in managing timelines and expectations. So, ready to land that dream job? Let's go!
First, be sure to be familiar with whom you're interviewing with. Usually, a second interviewer is higher up the management ladder and this person may be a key decision maker. LinkedIn makes it easy to read through career history, schools, and more that may give you the ability and insight to ask great questions. And yes you must have questions to ask!
Secondly, be very familiar with the organization and what they do at this point. This may sound like a no brainer, but you'd be surprised how people are so busy interviewing to showcase themselves, they aren't spending quality time researching if the company is right for them or what they do or produce. Your second interview is going to focus on the specifics of the role, in that department or division, and how it impacts their needs and bottom line. A key miss is to not know their industry, competitors, newest products, or press coverage. This is where social media - and not just their static website - comes in useful for you to scroll through. I'd also advise speaking to others in that industry or anyone you can at the organization to gain more information and use it as a base to your questions during your second round interviews.
Lastly, try to get as much clarity as you can on next steps and timing of the interview process. Nothing is worse than spending a ton of time researching, scheduling, and practicing for half a dozen interviews and then you don't get the job. Ask specific questions on dates and timing and in your follow up Thank You notes (yes don't forget those) gently reiterate those dates that were shared and get confirmation when you can.
Now go get that job!